Some baby and toddler pics...(how cute!!!)
Thanks to Brian, I now have a couple baby pictures and pitures of me as a's progress, right?
This is the pic that looks most like me, according to some. I don't like it, but it is recent. Obviously, Brian likes it, cuz it's up on his wall *g*.
One of my many senior pictures...Oh no!!! My hair was actually it's closest to being my natural color!!!!
Awwwh....isn't that cute! The product of 2 hippies... Hey, is that what's wrong with me maybe????
There was actually a point when I looked and was sweet and innocent. Wasn't I just so adorable?????
*SIGH* even as children, sibling rivaly was rampant...Tell me I'm cuter than Kevin, puh-lease???!!!! in the snow with mommy dearest....damn, she had a fro going on....
Well, that is all I have for now. Too bad, huh? hehe...well, at least you have more to look forward too, like me on my 1st New Years eve party, er...with alcohol at least. A Halloween pic that prolly shouldn't be going up but will anyways, and a couple more....